Friday, April 7, 2017

Me Myself and I.

I am Jane Doe Anonymous.

I have social anxiety and suffer from panic attacks. I previously had mild depression, and although I still have some tendencies, I am working past it. I'm anti-social and have low self esteem, so basically I'm just an overall basket case.

I like art, music, literature, and psychology. I mostly enjoy drawing, but acrylic painting is my second favorite. I love music of all genres but rock is preferred. I loving singing and playing guitar, and although its cliche, I don't think I would be here without music.

I'm a young female adult of mixed heritage. Born into the lower end of the lower-middle class, I am currently holding a low-wage job while attending a community college full time.

Although I graduated top 6% of my high school, I was unable to afford a university's tuition and did not qualify for student loans. So here I am: Nineteen, living with my parents and younger siblings.

I am the oldest of nine children that live in our household of eleven. In a nutshell: my aunt was addicted to painkillers and then resorted to heroin which opened a CPS case. Wanting to prove that she could stop, my uncle started heroin and quickly became addicted. My aunt got pregnant with my baby cousin and when the baby was born with addiction, CPS got involved again, this time removing all children from their custody. To avoid foster care, my mom (who was unemployed at the time) took custody of all four of her brother's children. At the time, she just had myself and my three other siblings, but shortly after, she discovered she was also pregnant.  My mom had difficulty finding a job while she was pregnant, so we lived off my step-dad's low income of thirty-five thousand dollars for most of my mothers maternity. By some miracle, she was able to find a well-paying job and my step-dad no longer had to work two. Its been four years now and my uncle's a habitual liar still on heroin. The mother has been MIA for most of the time, but was just recently heard from, and apparently got out of jail on probation. This has greatly affected all of us.

That's out story. My story in short: my mother gave birth to me while in high school. Both parents were present for the first three years of my life, but after my dad cheated on my mother my parents split up. Because my dad was in and out my life afterwards, my mother raised me by herself, and when I was nine, she got in touch with her old eighth grade sweetheart who soon thereafter became her husband and my-stepdad. My father had one son with his ex-wife, but I don't see either of them much.

This is me. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just Me, Myself and I.